Heartrending news from Pakistan: 25 perished in high-hill blizzard

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Heartrending news from Pakistan: 25 perished in high-hill blizzard

Pakistan has been shaken by the snowstorm disaster in the north of the country. 25 people lost their lives when stranded on roads near Murree. It is feared the death toll will rise.

As PakTurkFile, we convey our heartfelt recovery wishes to the people of Pakistan and wish patience to the families and relatives of those who lost their lives.

Affected by the intense blizzard affecting the northern regions of Pakistan, several people were stuck in their vehicles and at least 25 lost their lives according to the initial findings.

It is reported that at least six were frozen were frozen to death, while the cause of death of the other victims was not mentioned. Pakistan Army personnel respond to the disaster and evacuation of the survivors.

According to the BBC online news report, the disaster struck near Murree, a hill resort near capital Islamabad. Interior Minister Sheikh Rashid said nearly a thousand vehicles has been stranded on main arteries.

It is stated that over 100,000 vehicles may have entered Murree and its vicinity, which received heavy snowfall in recent days and attracted many spectators. Islamabad Deputy Commissioner’s Office had issued a circular on Friday, stopping the exits from Islamabad to Murree until Monday due to the growing vehicle density in and around Murree.

Winter tourists were stranded due to heavy snowfall yesterday (Friday) in the mountainous region named Galyat, located roughly 50–80 km northeast of capital Islamabad.

Local police stated the influx of tourists wishing to enjoy the snowfall created heavy traffic in and around Murree.

In the light of amateur videos from the disaster area, some likely lost their lives in their vehicles due to carbon monoxide poisoning from the exhausts clogged by blizzard.

“People face an extremely tough situation here. Not only tourists, local people are in a difficult situation as well. We cannot access natural gas and water,” said tourist Usman Abbasi, stranded in downtown Murree due to heavy snowfall and blizzard, while speaking to the AFP.

In his video message, Interior Minister Rashid commented, “This is the first time in 15-20 years that so many people have visited Murree. This led to a major crisis.”

Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan also expressed his deep sorrow for the “tragic deaths” and added, “We have launched an investigation into the tragedy and we will introduce new regulations so such an incident does not happen again.”

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