
December 12, 2021

A colourful Eid ul-Adha memory from the village Bamabala

Educationist Doğan Yücel wrote a memory of from an Eid-ul Adha he experienced while working in Lahore years ago. He explained how the sacrificial animal shares […]
May 6, 2021

We got to know all trees in the Kuğulu Park while waiting for the Pakistani visa!

Educationist Sadullah Bayazit wrote about the emigration of Abdülgani Gülmez, whom he met in Turkey in the 90s while he was getting prepared for going to […]
February 1, 2021

How the Federal Education Minister praised PakTurk students on a UN function

An educator who worked at PakTurk Schools, Engin Yiğit wrote on one of the resounding international successes achieved by the PakTurk students and the message he […]

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Life in Pakistan

July 8, 2021

Lahore’s heat and the first teaching experience

Educationist Doğan Yücel wrote about his teaching career in Lahore and his first experiences in the third part of the memoirs based on his life in […]
February 17, 2021

Pakistan as a ‘fruit paradise’ (2)

Researcher Doğan Yücel wrote about the variety of fruits, a rarely known aspect of Pakistan. Comparing with similar fruits in Turkey, Yucel added his own experience […]
June 2, 2021

Outstanding parks and promenades in Pakistan

Researcher Doğan Yücel wrote about the popular parks and recreation areas in Lahore, Islamabad and Karachi by adding his own experiences. LAHORE Changa Manga: Lahore metropolitan […]

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