
July 6, 2021

First, they threatened to kill; later, they entrusted their children!

Educationist Taner Koçyiğit, in the twelfth part of his memoirs based on his life in Pakistan, wrote about an incident which he personally experienced in Quetta […]
July 8, 2021

Lahore’s heat and the first teaching experience

Educationist Doğan Yücel wrote about his teaching career in Lahore and his first experiences in the third part of the memoirs based on his life in […]
July 10, 2021

A Page from History: Treatment support for thousands of patients from Kimse Yok Mu

Today, in the ‘A Page from History’ section, we share one of the services rendered by the Kimse Yok Mu Association in Pakistan. The Association, which […]
July 11, 2021

The second-hand goods market in Quetta and the things we bought and sold

In this part of the article series, educationist Taner Koçyiğit wrote about a famous market in Quetta where goods brought by the ‘suitcase trade’ were sold. […]
July 13, 2021

Biology teacher Züleyha Özşahin (1): Getting to know Pakistani culture and people was one of the best things in my life

Züleyha Özşahin is a teacher in love with her profession. When she was still a high school student, she dreamed of going abroad for teaching, but […]
July 14, 2021

Punjab Education Minister’s trip to Turkey and scholarship exams

In the fourth part of the article series, educationist Doğan Yücel narrated how the PakTurk scholarship exams started in Lahore and how they spread throughout Pakistan […]
July 19, 2021

Biology Teacher Züleyha Özşahin (2): If they said, ‘You can go to Pakistan again’, I would go there without a second thought

We publish the second part of our interview with Züleyha Özşahin, a biology teacher who worked at the PakTurk Schools for 4.5 years. In this part, […]
July 21, 2021

Unforgettable Eid memories from Turkey to Pakistan

Educationist Rüveyda Arslanhan embarked on an imaginary journey on the morning of Eid al-Adha, which she spent far away from her family home in Turkey and […]
July 23, 2021

For PakTurk teachers, Eid al-Adha meant …

Education volunteer Taner Koçyiğit wrote about how they spent Eid al-Adha in Pakistan. He explained what Eid meant to the PakTurk staff and what they did […]