
May 4, 2021

Turkish students’ ‘mom in a foreign land’ Ayşegül Akyıldız: We know the hardships suffered are not in vain

Homemaker Ayşegül Akyıldız, who went to Pakistan with her two children and her husband when the PakTurk Schools were under duress, especially tried to stand by […]
May 6, 2021

We got to know all trees in the Kuğulu Park while waiting for the Pakistani visa!

Educationist Sadullah Bayazit wrote about the emigration of Abdülgani Gülmez, whom he met in Turkey in the 90s while he was getting prepared for going to […]
May 6, 2021

I was in Islamabad, but no one was waiting for a person like me!

Education volunteer Taner Koçyiğit wrote about his life in Pakistan, where he spent 14 years having gone there even chancing to sell vacuum cleaners for the […]
May 7, 2021

Climate in Pakistan and ways to cool down in desert heat

Educationist and researcher Doğan Yücel wrote about the climate patterns in Pakistan by adding his own experiences. He narrated how monsoon rains affect life and what […]
May 9, 2021

A page from history: CHP’s Nur Serter visited the Turkish school

On our website, we will sometimes train our magnifying glass on different pages from the quarter-of-a-century long history of the PakTurk Schools. In today’s part of […]
May 10, 2021

I’m a teacher; I teach Maths and I sow the seeds of love

We share the short story of a math teacher who had his first professional experience in Pakistan where he had enthusiastically migrated to work. M.E. Ünal […]
May 11, 2021

Islamabad days and Gani’s abundance…

Educationist Sadullah Bayazit wrote about the emigration of Abdülgani Gülmez, whom he met while going to Pakistan in the 90s and found – in a sense […]
May 12, 2021

A lonely Turkish teacher and his devoted local friends in Attock

Education volunteer Taner Koçyiğit wrote about his life in Pakistan, where he spent 14 years, having gone there at the expense of even selling vacuum cleaners […]
May 13, 2021

“We had a decent meal for the first time in 7 days in Ramadan”

Educationist Doğan Yücel wrote about the humanitarian assistance activities organized by the volunteer PakTurk employees after the devastating flood disaster in 2010 which also coincided with […]